The Care Capsule is a periodical produced to share articles written by Dr. Jim Kok, and other writers,
that amplify thoughts and ideas seen more frequently in Thoughts from Jim. The Care Capsule also
provides announcements and information about upcoming Care and Kindness events.
Volume 19, Issue 4
Volume 19, Issue 3
Volume 19, Issue 2
Volume 19, Issue 1
Volume 18, Issue 3
October 2016
August 2016
July 2016
March 2016
November 2015
June 2015
February 2015
October 2014
June 2014
February 2014
October 2013
June 2013
February 2013
November 2012
August 2012
May 2012
January 2012
September 2011
April 2011
December 2010
August 2010
April 2010
December 2009
August 2009
April 2009
November 2008
May 2008
January 2008
September 2007
May 2007
January 2007
September 2006
May 2006
January 2006
September 2005
May 2005
January 2005
September 2004
May 2004
December 2003
September 2003
May 2003
January 2003
September 2002
May 2002
January 2002
September 2001
May 2001
February 2001
November 2000
August 2000
May 2000
February 2000
November 1999
August 1999
May 1999
January 1999

13 Secret Behaviors
Dr. James Kok
90% of Helping Is Just Showing Up!
Dr. James Kok
A Treasury of Tips
Dr. James Kok
Ask Jim #1
Dr. James Kok
Ask Jim #2
Dr. James Kok
Ask People to Help You
Dr. James Kok
Better ‘n Ever
Dr. James Kok
Care for Me
Dr. James Kok
Care, Kindness and War
Dr. James Kok
Carpe Diem!
Judy Gustum
Change Myself, Change My World
Rhea Zakich
Check Your Story At The Door
Dr. James Kok
Church Should be the Friendliest Place on Earth, The
Dr. James Kok
Columbine Survivors To Speak
Marilyn Duff
Cracked Pots
Dare To Care
Dr. James Kok
Do Not Take My Pain From Me
Dr. James Kok
Do Tell Your Story!
Dr. James Kok
Do We Have An Agenda?
Dr. James Kok
Do You Have to Be Asked?
Susan Bourne
Do You Have Two Ears? Or Three?
Dr. James Kok
Do You Notice My Pain?
Craig Bourne
Does It Really Show?
Dr. James Kok
Don't Cheer Me Up
Dr. James Kok
Don't Do Too Much!
Dr. James Kok
Don't Keep Everything Secret
Dr. James Kok
Don't Show Up
Dr. James Kok
Edification or Demolition
Walter Wangerin, Jr.
Exotic Care
Dr. James Kok
“Five Spiritual Laws of Kindness”, The
Dr. James Kok
For Goodness’ Sake
Marilyn Duff
Fuller Seminar President To Speak
Marilyn Duff
Giving Is Easier Than Receiving
Dr. James Kok
The Hardest Death of All
Dr. James Kok
Heavenly Father, Help Me Remember
How To Become A Happy Person
Dr. James Kok
How To Comfort
Dr. James Kok
How To Help Others
Dr. James Kok
I Feel Your Pain
Dr. James Kok
I Love Garbage
Dr. James Kok
I Stirred Up A Hornet's Nest
Dr. James Kok
International Conference on Christian Care — 1999
Is Care and Kindness Kindergarden Stuff?
Dr. James Kok
It Doesn't Have To Be Complicated
Craig Bourne
It Works!
Bev Michielson
It’s Amazing
Craig Bourne
It’s Not Easy Being Green!
Craig Bourne
It’s Not What I Say
Dr. James Kok
Join The 'Kindness' Army! Fight Back!
Dr. James Kok
Just Being There
Craig Bourne
Just Walk With Me
Dr. James Kok
Just wondering . . .
Craig Bourne
Kindness Example
Rhea Zakich
Kindness Notes from the Business World
Learn the RIGHT Thing to Say to a Grieving Soul
Dr. James Kok
Lord, Let Me be a Living Sermon for You
Rhea Zakich
M.A.T. Student Writes About Care
Ruth Knight
Memo to all Kindness Ambassadors
John Vawter
My Journey Through Breast Cancer
Linda Kok
My Richest Christmas Ever!
Gail Wenos
My Seventh Friend
Linda Mae Richardson
My Yellow Blankie
Shawn Campbell
Naming The Elephant
Dr. James Kok
New Book from James Kok
Passing the Baton
Judy Gustum
Patron of Care Scholarship Program #1
Patron of Care Scholarship Program #2
Practical Tips for Today
Judy Gustum
Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice
Dr. James Kok
Reluctant Love Delivers Needed Peace
Dr. James Kok
S.A.C.K. Foundation Formed
SIMPLE Acts of Care and Kindness
Craig Bourne
Standing On The Promises
Craig Bourne
Start with Listening
Dr. James Kok
Take Time or Make Time
Ten Actions You Can Take
Dr. James Kok
Twelve Simple Pieces for Brightening the World
Dr. James Kok
Two Words to Avoid
Dr. James Kok
A Unique Angle to Friendliness
(Naming the Elephant)
Dr. James Kok
Unopened Gifts
Judy Gustum
Urgent Memo to the Business World
Dr. James Kok
Vision Comes ALIVE!, The
Craig Bourne
We Are Called to Suffer
Dr. James Kok
Weep With Those Who Weep
Dr. James Kok
What Does Humility Look Like?
Dr. James Kok
Why Do We Say That?
Craig Bourne
Why Sunday?
Dr. James Kok
Words Make A Difference
Craig Bourne
Yes, It Can Be Hard (but the rewards are profound!)
Dr. James Kok
You Can Give Care & Kindness
Dr. Bill Gaultiere