I have good news for you! YOU can do something to heal people, just as Jesus did!
Can you imagine the scene?
In the book of Mark, the story is well-known of the woman who had been bleeding for many years — she reached through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. He felt power go out from him and asked, “Who touched me?”
When she touched his hem, she immediately felt a change in her body. His question probably frightened her somewhat, so she hung back. But when he asked again, she came forward and told her story.
People were pressed all around Jesus in the crowd that was following him, but he was aware of the special need of one person. Many people were undoubtedly bumping against him and thus the consternation of his disciples at his question, “Who touched me?”
Why would he ask such a question, when he was constantly being touched? He was already on his way to the house of Jairus, whose daughter had died. He was busy. He was on a mission. He was surrounded by the pressings of the crowd. And yet — he listened to her story.
This is an amazing part! She was already healed—Jesus’ power had touched her and ended her suffering. He had already performed the miracle. That could have been the end of it. But — he listened to her story. He gave his time to listen to her. There was something special about the touch of that one person. He was aware of it; everyone else was clueless.
His listening to her was another healing! Giving his time to her restored her dignity.
This is the lesson for us! This is the part that WE CAN DO! Giving people our time and our attention is healing medicine for them. We cannot do physical healings like Jesus, but we can give people our time. We can listen to them.
Listening is kindness. Interrupting our own busy schedule to give time to another person is a kindness. Some may think that all this talk of kindness sounds, well . . . it sounds a bit wimpy.
But . . . it is powerful! It is healing! It is needed!
Take some time for someone today. Be present for them. You will both be blessed.