It doesn’t require wealth, talent, or a huge investment of time. Right now, you, with your current limitations and abilities, have tremendous power to impact others and change the world.
Have you ever had a day in which everything you touched went wrong? When you were at the end of your rope, but then someone spoke a kind word, or helped you? Do you remember how it warmed your heart and perked up your spirit? Small, loving acts make a profound difference. Everyone longs to feel noticed, appreciated, supported. That’s why it means so much when someone surprises us with a simple act of caring. It reassures us that we matter.
Discouraged people are everywhere. They need us.
Don’t overlook opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life. A smile, a note, or a phone call won’t take much effort, but they can make someone’s day. Not only will your kindness be appreciated by the recipient and rewarded by God, but it will enrich your own life as well.
Many say, “I’m just one person. I can’t make a difference.” If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a hug just when it’s needed, you know one person’s concern is powerful. Do you compare your contribution to a tiny drop of water in the huge ocean?
Mother Theresa’s view was that the ocean would be less without that one drop. There could be no mountains, if not for the tiny grains of sand from which the mountains are made. Little things pack a big punch.
Encouragement takes only a moment to give but it delivers an important message of love and concern to the recipient, and it could last a lifetime. Your empathy, interest, and encouragement can lessen someone’s load and make their life journey easier. You can change their world— and that makes the whole world better.
So I encourage you to make a New Years Resolution to do just a little bit better than you have been doing in the past. Look for opportunities to give an encouraging word. To hand out a compliment. To notice someone in a unique way.
These small things are indeed only a drop of water in the ocean of need, but, to reword Mother Theresa's comment for this analogy, that ocean of need can be made less with that drop that you offer.
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